On the Fast Track
A healthier you could be only 6 weeks away. Recent research suggests people who exercise regularly and lower their glycemic load could reduce their risk of obesity and chronic conditions in as few as 6 weeks. A diet that limits portion sizes and favors whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy over refined breads or sweets is likely to have a low glycemic load. Glycemic load measures the total glycemic response people experience from the type and amount of food they eat.
Foods that can help keep the glycemic load of a meal low and your blood sugar levels steady include high-fiber fruits and vegetables, protein sources such as chicken or yogurt, and fats -- stick to unsaturated fats for heart health. Eating excessive amounts of high glycemic index foods -- foods that cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, such as sugar and white bread -- may put people at risk for weight gain and associated chronic conditions.